Wednesday, November 16, 2011

the goose loves key lime pie cupcakes

I know things have seemed very quiet over here in Gooseville, but I promise you it's anything but quiet! I just have been superly slacking on the blog posting. I'm gearing up for a couple of good ones, but you'll just have to wait.

Here's an old one that should have gone up weeks ago. But that's life, I guess.

My dear friend Jackie went to Florida last month to visit her aunt, and brought us back a package of Key Lime Cupcake mix! Yum - thanks, Jackie!

She came over a few days after she returned and we made them together.

My favorite part? The cream cheese frosting, of course.
I almost baked them for too long. Nice and golden.
But what I love about limes and key lime pie is the color - gorgeous green. Lime green, actually - that's how the color got its name. From the all-natural source. So why have regular colored cupcakes and white frosting? Where's the green?

Here it is!
Voila. It's like celebrating St. Patrick's Day in October. Or November, if you're behind in blog posts.

I'd eat another one of these right now, if I could.
Thanks, Jackie, for bringing us the treat! And for enjoying it with us too. Best souvenir ever.

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