Thursday, July 14, 2011

the goose loves pretzels and chocolate

So now that i'm back on the blogger bandwagon, I figured I should catch up/keep up with the posting! And this one is fun.

Last Sunday, I whipped up a batch of pretzel candies, using variations of recipes found here and here. Both recipes are pretty basic.

Layer in order: pretzel, chocolate-caramel candy (like Rolos) & bake for about 4 minutes. Press pecan in melting chocolate candy, refridgerate, and try not to eat all at once.

But why not change things up? I said to myself. Next time, I should have said to myself, Let's try the recipe as is, for once.

So I started layering my pretzels on the cookie sheet, and instead of using Rolos, I used caramel kisses. Basically the same, right? Not.
Here they are, sitting pretty on the sheet, ready for the hot oven.

But sadly, they didn't turn out so awesome. The problem with using kisses is that the bottom gets fairly melty, but the tippity top doesn't. So when you try to gently crush the kiss with a pecan, the point stays pointy while the chocolate cracks at the bottom and the caramel comes rushing out. So while I was learning this lesson, I was also prepping Cookie Sheet #2 for Batch #2, and I quickly adapted my process.

Here are my "healthy" versions: dark chocolate, to be topped with almonds.

Already realizing that the pointy kisses are problematic, I started cutting the tops off the kisses with my kitchen shears. Only the tippity tops, not that much of the kiss overall. I put those in the oven and three minutes later, melty perfection! I pressed M&Ms in some, almonds in others, and let cool. Voila!

That's the dishful I put together for my co-workers. We also took some over to our friends David & Brianne, who were graciously letting us use their table saw for another project-soon-to-be-blogged-about. Unfortunately, the trip over there was too close to them coming out of the oven, so our friends had melty candies in the beginning. With a little time in the refridgerator, I'm sure they improved greatly.

And a few close ups...

Mmmmm. Needless to say, they didn't last long at work.

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